Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Nothing can prepare these parents for their son. He is born with half a heart.

The little Jack Stevens had to fight from his life from the first breadth on. He was born with a heart disorder - his life hung by a silk thread. Even the doctors were pushed to the limits of their abilities. Jacks first moments were a literal tightrope act between life and death.
Youtube/Daily News
Jack suffers from HLHS, a maldevelopment of the heart where the left ventricle does not fully develop, halting it from performing its life-sustaining function.
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In his first week in this world, Jack had already undergone open heart surgery 4 times. Each time the doctors fought desperately for his life.
Youtube/Daily News
After the last procedure (the believe or or not NINTH), at the tender age of almost one, Jack fell into a coma and had to be reanimated. No one knew how much strength the little bugger still had.
Youtube/Daily News
But against the fears of the doctors and the prognoses, Jack recovered slowly, but steadily by fighting as hard as he could back to life. After 15 months in the hospital, his parents could take him home for the first time.
Youtube/Daily News
The elation that all felt was indescribable. Jack blossomed right up as he finally was able to enter the land of the living.
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It was an internal salvation for his parents. Parents that had desperately worried for their son for months, spending uncounted nights in the hospital to be by his side.
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His father recounts, with tears of joy in his eyes, “He can almost walk and babbles to himself the whole day. Jack is such a special kid and he is the joy of our life.”
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You really did it, Jack. Despite all trials and tribulations. You are a true hero!
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Jack’s impressive story clearly shows: there is always a chance when it comes to life, even if death lurks around the corner. Even if it seems to be so miniscule. Share this glorious victory with all your friends and relatives!


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